This is an O'Keefe video that I will post. Back from his college days, protesting Rutgers' racially insensitive policy of selling Lucky Charms in their dining halls. Get ready to laugh.
Part I
Part II
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
UPDATE on previous ACORN sting vid post: Another video, this time in San Diego. No murder confessions or former madams in this one folks. No, all that happens this time is that the ACORN staffer advises them to move their operation to Tijuana so as to avoid US Law Enforcement. "Trust the Mexican people," he says.
Oh, and he also offers to become Giles and O'Keefe's business partner.
Oh, and he would also like to hire Giles for her services.
If I sound like I'm not alarmed, it's because every time I think ACORN can't get any lower, they do. At this point I wouldn't be suprised if there's another video in which an ACORN staffer actually trots out an underage girl for the Giles and O'Keefe's characters to use to drum up business.
Oh, and he also offers to become Giles and O'Keefe's business partner.
Oh, and he would also like to hire Giles for her services.
If I sound like I'm not alarmed, it's because every time I think ACORN can't get any lower, they do. At this point I wouldn't be suprised if there's another video in which an ACORN staffer actually trots out an underage girl for the Giles and O'Keefe's characters to use to drum up business.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Oh My God.
So I've been following, but haven't wanted to post, the videos made by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles that have been trickling out over the past few days. There are now at least three videos filmed at ACORN branches(the first in Washington DC, the second in New York, and the third, described below, in San Bernadino California) of which I'm aware in which O'Keefe and Giles, posing respectively as a pimp and a prostitute, sit down with ACORN staffers and receive advice on how to set up a prostitution business without getting caught. In these videos they not only are completely open about the business they propose to start, but also go to pains to point out that their intent is to smuggle in underage girls from other countries. In every instance, the ACORN staffers, rather than recoil in horror or threaten to call the police, willingly and enthusiastically advise the two undercover journalists on exactly how to go about engaging in human trafficking without getting caught.
Reaction to these videos thus far has been interesting. The Census Bureau announced almost immediately that they will no longer do business with ACORN. The Senate finally got around to voting to de-fund them yesterday. Interestingly, the mainstream media has universally decided to avoid this story, with Charlie Gibson today going so far as to suggest he'd never heard of any of this before today (His colleague at ABC, Jake Tapper, first reported on this story last Friday). As with the Van Jones story, my hat is off to Glenn Beck for dragging this story into the limelight. ACORN, for their part, has continued to posture sanctimonious (the have at least fired the staffers who appeared in the first two videos), claimed these were only isolated incidents, and has even gone so far as to threaten to sue the undercover reporters.
That's more or less where things stood until earlier today, when O'Keefe and Giles released a new video which will be all but impossible for the MSM to ignore. In this video, filmed at the San Bernadino ACORN chapter, Keefe and Giles more or less go through their same routine, only this time the staffer goes beyond just being helpful. Herself a former madam, the staffer not only lets the masquerade pimp and hooker in on the tips, and, if you will...tricks, of the trade, but also lets slip that she murdered her own husband after carefully and methodically plotting to make it look like self defense. Not only that, but the staffer threatens, on camera, to murder another individual to whom she had previously sent Keefe and Giles to receive further advice.
It would be suicide for the MSM not to get on the bandwagon at this point. Here's hoping they opt for suicide.
As with the other videos, I'm choosing not to post this latest one. But is so much more of a bombshell than even the previous two videos (I still can't believe that's possible), that i'll link it here. There are some gratuitous cheesecake shots of Giles decked out in her ho costume, caveat reader.
Your President's buddies, folks. Your President's buddies.
Reaction to these videos thus far has been interesting. The Census Bureau announced almost immediately that they will no longer do business with ACORN. The Senate finally got around to voting to de-fund them yesterday. Interestingly, the mainstream media has universally decided to avoid this story, with Charlie Gibson today going so far as to suggest he'd never heard of any of this before today (His colleague at ABC, Jake Tapper, first reported on this story last Friday). As with the Van Jones story, my hat is off to Glenn Beck for dragging this story into the limelight. ACORN, for their part, has continued to posture sanctimonious (the have at least fired the staffers who appeared in the first two videos), claimed these were only isolated incidents, and has even gone so far as to threaten to sue the undercover reporters.
That's more or less where things stood until earlier today, when O'Keefe and Giles released a new video which will be all but impossible for the MSM to ignore. In this video, filmed at the San Bernadino ACORN chapter, Keefe and Giles more or less go through their same routine, only this time the staffer goes beyond just being helpful. Herself a former madam, the staffer not only lets the masquerade pimp and hooker in on the tips, and, if you will...tricks, of the trade, but also lets slip that she murdered her own husband after carefully and methodically plotting to make it look like self defense. Not only that, but the staffer threatens, on camera, to murder another individual to whom she had previously sent Keefe and Giles to receive further advice.
It would be suicide for the MSM not to get on the bandwagon at this point. Here's hoping they opt for suicide.
As with the other videos, I'm choosing not to post this latest one. But is so much more of a bombshell than even the previous two videos (I still can't believe that's possible), that i'll link it here. There are some gratuitous cheesecake shots of Giles decked out in her ho costume, caveat reader.
Your President's buddies, folks. Your President's buddies.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
2 Million

You go, my brethren and
Silent no more. A majority still.
Details here.
Look at that picture. Heckuva lot o' voters there. If this doesn't kill the "health insurance reform" bill and the rest of the democrats' ultraliberal agenda (remember, the Senate still has to vote on the Cap & Tax bill that Congress passed. With the help of this piece of trash RINO who wants to be my next Senator), I don't know what will.
Oh wait, yes I do. The midterms!!

I didn't want to discuss this on the day it happened, for obvious reasons, but I must take a moment to congratulate Michael Jeffrey Jordan on his induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame.
Michael Jordan was, is, and forever will be the greatest basketball player in the universe.
It is impossible to put into words what Michael Jordan meant to the game of basketball and what he meant to Chicago sports fans. His era--no, not the era in which he played--was something that I don't know will ever be paralleled. Even if my Cubbies ever win the World Series, I still don't think it will be the same.
As a fan of any sport, I have never had the kind of assurance that my team was going to win the way I did during Michael's era. Err, that is, once the spell of the Detroit Pistons was finally broken. And, there was that first partial season back from retirement, the last regrettable play of which was a generous Jordan feed to the fat and regrettable Luc Longley. But let's not dwell there.
Okay, I'll dwell there for just a second longer, just to say this. I will never forget the date I bought my Les Paul. March 18, 1995. What does this have to do with basketball, you ask? Well, as I was driving out of the Guitar Center lot with my new guitar, I turned on the radio and was greeted by two words. "I'm back."
For each of the six years of the era of Michael that the Bulls won the championship, you just knew they were going to win the championship. You just knew it. It was not not going to happen.
I remember during the '97 finals against the Jazz, the day of game 5. The series was tied 2-2, with the Jazz having won games 3 and 4. My boss was worried because momentum seemed to be going the way of Utah. "Relax," I told her. "This is Michael Jordan we're talking about. We're going to win."
That night, Jordon scored 38 points. With the stomach flu. The Bulls won that night, and the next. Done deal.
I won't go all girly describing his numerous other superhuman plays and feats, including the last basket he ever made as a Bull.
Oops, how'd that get there?
I'm also not going to dwell too much on his personal life. Like most professional athletes, he's had flaws a plenty, and he's done plenty of things that have disappointed me or ticked me off. I'd rather not go there right now. I'd rather just sit here in amazement and think that Chicago, my home town, the town whose professional teams just don't win, plain and simple (what, you expect some love from me for the South Side Apemen?), once had this man. And I got to watch him. I got to watch his entire career as a Bull. Like the song says, they can't take that away from me.
Friday, September 11, 2009
[H/T Girlontheright]
UPDATE: In honor of 9/11 and it's stark and necessary reminder that evil exists and must be fought until our dying breaths, I'm adding a video presentation I put together a while ago that presents many different faces of evil. I deliberately chose not to include footage of 9/11 in this piece. I'm not sure why, maybe it's too sacred. But this video nevertheless seems appropriate to share it on a day for reflection on all that we hold dear, all that we must preserve, and all that must be fought, to the death if necessary. It's set to the tune of Mad World by Gary Jules, a particularly haunting and beautiful song. I was perhaps trying to do to much with this so my apologies if it moves too fast. Also the resolution seems to be a bit worse for wear from the youtube conversion and the font size is a little small if you don't full screen it.
God bless. God bless America.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Stupid White Fat Bastard

Capitalism is Evil, concludes stupid white fat bastard Michael Moore in his latest film.
Don't recall reading anywhere in the article that Moore plans not to keep any profit that his film generates. Perhaps that speaks to the level of optimism that it will generate any.
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