Friday, October 31, 2008
This isn't really apropros of anything, but I was thinking back to SNL's sketch of the debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. The one moment of the sketch where they came even remotely close to slamming Biden was on the issue of gay marriage. The actor portraying Biden waxes eloquent about the need for equal rights, visitation rights at hospitals, beneficiaries in wills, etc. Then the actress playing Gwen Ifill asks him "so do you support gay marriage?" To which Biden responds, "no, absolutely not."
Now, the fact that the left uses the term "civil unions" so they don't have to say "gay marriage" is well established (and this is what SNL was wrist slapping Biden for). What this sketch really reminded me of is the straw man that the left clings to that anybody wants to deny basic civil rights to homosexuals. Who thinks that way, at least in this day and age?
I don't know anyone who wants to deny homosexuals the right to visit each other in hospitals, or to leave their belongings to whomever they wish in their wills, or to deny the right of same sex partners to purchase property together. These are rights that everyone already has. And nobody, at least nobody I know, wants to take them away. Nobody I know even cares if gay couples want to call their union a marriage. If two men want to say that they're married, it's none of my darned business. What IS my darned business is changing the commonly held definition of marriage as understood by Civilization lo these last 4000+ years, and forcing society to adopt this new definition. But as far as everyday rights, does anyone (apart from a few whacko so-called "Pastors" and their flocks, who are so full of hatred that they'll get on a bus and drive to a dead soldier's funeral and cheer that God's judgement was visited on said soldier because of our country's tolerance for homosexuals) care? Does anyone really want to deny gays their basic civil rights?
Now, the fact that the left uses the term "civil unions" so they don't have to say "gay marriage" is well established (and this is what SNL was wrist slapping Biden for). What this sketch really reminded me of is the straw man that the left clings to that anybody wants to deny basic civil rights to homosexuals. Who thinks that way, at least in this day and age?
I don't know anyone who wants to deny homosexuals the right to visit each other in hospitals, or to leave their belongings to whomever they wish in their wills, or to deny the right of same sex partners to purchase property together. These are rights that everyone already has. And nobody, at least nobody I know, wants to take them away. Nobody I know even cares if gay couples want to call their union a marriage. If two men want to say that they're married, it's none of my darned business. What IS my darned business is changing the commonly held definition of marriage as understood by Civilization lo these last 4000+ years, and forcing society to adopt this new definition. But as far as everyday rights, does anyone (apart from a few whacko so-called "Pastors" and their flocks, who are so full of hatred that they'll get on a bus and drive to a dead soldier's funeral and cheer that God's judgement was visited on said soldier because of our country's tolerance for homosexuals) care? Does anyone really want to deny gays their basic civil rights?
Best news I've heard so far today.
Norm Coleman leads Al Franken by six points.
I don't know how this election is going to turn out. My worst nightmare could come true, ie: Obama takes the White House, the Democrats take a supermajority in both chambers of Congress, and we enter in to a new era of socialism, nanny state entitlements, full amnesty and citizenship for 20,000,000 illegal aliens in our country, and most importantly, a federal judiciary stacked with the left wing idealogues who will rewrite the Constitution from the bench and remake America in their image. Hello, unfettered ACLU/AUSCS intimidation and legal action against churches and other faith based organizations. Hello reparations. Hello the "fairness doctrine." Goodbye home schooling, etc.
But even if that happens: (assuming he wins) we'll always have Norm.
When I heard this poll result earlier today (contrary to what I said before: if the poll shows the Republican up I tend to believe it, because he's probably actually up more than the media is letting on), I literally shouted for joy. Uber liberal Al Franken, the "tax-dodging pornographer," as some have called him, is absolutely wrong for this country, in addition to being an all around total jerk. He is one of the few Americans who if I met, (and though I know it would be wrong) I would be tempted to challenge to a fist fight. Perhaps it's because he has a long track record of resorting to violence and unhinged rage against his opponents instead of using the intellect that probably resides somewhere between his ears.
At the 2004 RNC, Franken charged the table where former Laura Ingraham radio show producer Lee Habib was sitting, and screamed himself hoarse at Habib.
When Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review said something that didn't sit well with Franken, Al publicly challenged Lowry to a fist fight.
During the 04' primaries, Franken physically assaulted a protester at a Howard Dean speech.
And lastly, he thought it was in good taste to write a comedy sketch about rape. This guy is just nuts. I'm heartened that the citizens of Minnesota appear to agree.
Coleman could still lose, but I am encouraged.
I don't know how this election is going to turn out. My worst nightmare could come true, ie: Obama takes the White House, the Democrats take a supermajority in both chambers of Congress, and we enter in to a new era of socialism, nanny state entitlements, full amnesty and citizenship for 20,000,000 illegal aliens in our country, and most importantly, a federal judiciary stacked with the left wing idealogues who will rewrite the Constitution from the bench and remake America in their image. Hello, unfettered ACLU/AUSCS intimidation and legal action against churches and other faith based organizations. Hello reparations. Hello the "fairness doctrine." Goodbye home schooling, etc.
But even if that happens: (assuming he wins) we'll always have Norm.
When I heard this poll result earlier today (contrary to what I said before: if the poll shows the Republican up I tend to believe it, because he's probably actually up more than the media is letting on), I literally shouted for joy. Uber liberal Al Franken, the "tax-dodging pornographer," as some have called him, is absolutely wrong for this country, in addition to being an all around total jerk. He is one of the few Americans who if I met, (and though I know it would be wrong) I would be tempted to challenge to a fist fight. Perhaps it's because he has a long track record of resorting to violence and unhinged rage against his opponents instead of using the intellect that probably resides somewhere between his ears.
At the 2004 RNC, Franken charged the table where former Laura Ingraham radio show producer Lee Habib was sitting, and screamed himself hoarse at Habib.
When Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review said something that didn't sit well with Franken, Al publicly challenged Lowry to a fist fight.
During the 04' primaries, Franken physically assaulted a protester at a Howard Dean speech.
And lastly, he thought it was in good taste to write a comedy sketch about rape. This guy is just nuts. I'm heartened that the citizens of Minnesota appear to agree.
Coleman could still lose, but I am encouraged.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fox News asks...

Here's the (LOL) story
Searching for a good caption.
"Barry, pay no attention to that dagger in my left hand."
"You may kiss my ring... as opposed to that other thing I told you to kiss."
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Revelations No One Cares About
So, we learn that Barry is deliberately accepting illegal donations, and as Mark Steyn points out, the media are doing their best to not report it while reporting it.
Why this would surprise anyone, I know not. We already know that the allegedly non-partisan ACORN (which has publicly endorsed Obama--explain that one to me)has registered innumerable duplicate, nonexistent, or otherwise inelligable voters. Why should it shock anyone that Barry's campaign has deliberately removed all safeguards against fraudulent or illegal campaign donations, such as the one that was sent by one "Adolphe Hitler, Berlin Germany"?
Another revelation which may get peoples' attention, but which may have come too late: Slow Joe Biden lets slip that $250,000 is really $150,000. This after Obama was recently quoted lowering $250K to $200K. So if the trend holds, by Election Day everyone making over $100,000 will be facing a tax hike, and by the time Obama is (Heaven forbid) sworn in, I'll be wondering what happened to my tax cut.
Why this would surprise anyone, I know not. We already know that the allegedly non-partisan ACORN (which has publicly endorsed Obama--explain that one to me)has registered innumerable duplicate, nonexistent, or otherwise inelligable voters. Why should it shock anyone that Barry's campaign has deliberately removed all safeguards against fraudulent or illegal campaign donations, such as the one that was sent by one "Adolphe Hitler, Berlin Germany"?
Another revelation which may get peoples' attention, but which may have come too late: Slow Joe Biden lets slip that $250,000 is really $150,000. This after Obama was recently quoted lowering $250K to $200K. So if the trend holds, by Election Day everyone making over $100,000 will be facing a tax hike, and by the time Obama is (Heaven forbid) sworn in, I'll be wondering what happened to my tax cut.
Monday, October 27, 2008
If the MSM isn't trustworthy...
If MSM Isn't Trustworthy, Why Are Conservatives Trusting The MSM 8 Days Out? Asks Duane Patterson.
He's right. The thing I have found far more disconcerting than polls has been the head over heels willingness of some conservatives to give up hope as a result (for example, all of the bloggers at National Review). I have had a number of email exchanges with a staffer at a well known conservative publication. Calling himself a "Pollyanna," he cheerfully and confidently predicts that McCain has a 5% chance of winning.
If Barry truly were the chosen one this would be over by now. Patterson makes an excellent point that "The only poll that got the 2004 results close was the IBD Tipp poll. Most of the other polls then had John Kerry up around five points before the election." That sounds fairly similar to the numbers out there now. And the IBD poll has it very close, McCain within 4.
Today's banner on Drudge, a 2001 interview of Barry lamenting that SCOTUS hadn't mandated socialism, isn't going to help Obama. Nor will Andy McCarthy's piece about the LA Times sitting on a videotape which shows Barry heaping praise upon Yasser Arafat's spokeman at a dinner in 2003.
It ain't over till it's over.
He's right. The thing I have found far more disconcerting than polls has been the head over heels willingness of some conservatives to give up hope as a result (for example, all of the bloggers at National Review). I have had a number of email exchanges with a staffer at a well known conservative publication. Calling himself a "Pollyanna," he cheerfully and confidently predicts that McCain has a 5% chance of winning.
If Barry truly were the chosen one this would be over by now. Patterson makes an excellent point that "The only poll that got the 2004 results close was the IBD Tipp poll. Most of the other polls then had John Kerry up around five points before the election." That sounds fairly similar to the numbers out there now. And the IBD poll has it very close, McCain within 4.
Today's banner on Drudge, a 2001 interview of Barry lamenting that SCOTUS hadn't mandated socialism, isn't going to help Obama. Nor will Andy McCarthy's piece about the LA Times sitting on a videotape which shows Barry heaping praise upon Yasser Arafat's spokeman at a dinner in 2003.
It ain't over till it's over.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another "Shock" poll.
Further evidence that this is anyone's game
And that NYT/CBS are full of it.
This is the third such "shock" poll that I've seen that show this race at a dead heat. It's only shocking because it stands contrary to all the propaganda "polls" the MSM is force feeding us. Apparently the American people aren't as keen on socialism as we thought.
Must come as a disappointment to Team Obama. They've already set the rates they are charging the media to cover their victory party. That's nerve.
And that NYT/CBS are full of it.
This is the third such "shock" poll that I've seen that show this race at a dead heat. It's only shocking because it stands contrary to all the propaganda "polls" the MSM is force feeding us. Apparently the American people aren't as keen on socialism as we thought.
Must come as a disappointment to Team Obama. They've already set the rates they are charging the media to cover their victory party. That's nerve.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Great speech by Senator McCain. Quoted entirely from Drudge:
Fri Oct 17 2008 13:45:02 ET
*** VIDEO ***
It's great to be here in Miami. Florida is a must-win state on November 4th, and with your help, we're going to win Florida, and bring change to Washington, DC. We had a good debate this week. You may have noticed-- there was a lot of talk about Senator Obama's tax increases and Joe the Plumber. Last weekend, Senator Obama showed up in Joe's driveway to ask for his vote, and Joe asked Senator Obama a tough question. I'm glad he did; I think Senator Obama could use a few more tough questions.
The response from Senator Obama and his campaign yesterday was to attack Joe. People are digging through his personal life and he has TV crews camped out in front of his house. He didn't ask for Senator Obama to come to his house. He wasn't recruited or prompted by our campaign. He just asked a question. And Americans ought to be able to ask Senator Obama tough questions without being smeared and targeted with political attacks.
The question Joe asked about our economy is important, because Senator Obama's plan would raise taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million Americans. Senator Obama's plan will kill those jobs at just the time when we need to be creating more jobs. My plan will create jobs, and that's what America needs.
Senator Obama says that he wanted to spread your wealth around. When politicians talk about taking your money and spreading it around, you'd better hold onto your wallet. Senator Obama claims that wants to give a tax break to the middle class, but not only did he vote for higher taxes on the middle class in the Senate, his plan gives away your tax dollars to those who don't pay taxes.
That's not a tax cut, that's welfare. America didn't become the greatest nation on earth by redistributing wealth; we became the greatest nation by creating new wealth.
This is the choice that we face. These are hard times. Our economy is in crisis. Americans are fighting in two wars. We face many enemies in this dangerous world, and many challenges here at home.
The next President won't have time to get used to the office. He won't have the luxury of studying up on the issues before he acts. He will have to act immediately. And to do that, he will need experience, courage, judgment and a bold plan of action to take this country in a new direction. We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: waiting for our luck to change. We have to act immediately. I said it at the last debate: I'm not George Bush; if Senator Obama wants to run against George Bush, he should have run for President 4 years ago. We need a new direction now. We have to fight for it. I've been fighting for this country since I was seventeen years old, and I have the scars to prove it. If I'm elected President, I will fight to take America in a new direction from my first day in office until my last. I'm not afraid of the fight, I'm ready for it.
I'm not going to spend $700 billion dollars of your money just bailing out the Wall Street bankers and brokers who got us into this mess. I'm going to make sure we take care of the people who were devastated by the excesses of Wall Street and Washington. I'm going to spend a lot of that money to bring relief to you, and I'm not going to wait sixty days to start doing it.
I have a plan to protect the value of your home and get it rising again by buying up bad mortgages and refinancing them so if your neighbor defaults he doesn't bring down the value of your house with him.
I have a plan to let retirees and people nearing retirement keep their money in their retirement accounts longer so they can rebuild their savings. I will protect Social Security so that retirees get the benefits they have earned, and I will bring both parties together to fix Social Security so that it is there for future generations.
I have a plan to hold the line on taxes and cut them to make America more competitive and create jobs here at home.
Raising taxes makes a bad economy much worse. Keeping taxes low creates jobs, keeps money in your hands and strengthens our economy.
The explosion of government spending over the last eight years has put us deeper in debt to foreign countries that don't have our best interests at heart. It weakened the dollar and made everything you buy more expensive.
If I'm elected President, I won't spend nearly a trillion dollars more of your money, on top of the $700 billion we just gave the Treasury Secretary, as Senator Obama proposes. Because he can't do that without raising your taxes or digging us further into debt. I'm going to make government live on a budget just like you do.
I will freeze government spending on all but the most important programs like defense, veterans care, Social Security and health care until we scrub every single government program and get rid of the ones that aren't working for the American people. And I will veto every single pork barrel bill Congresses passes.
If I'm elected President, I won't fine small businesses and families with children, as Senator Obama proposes, to force them into a new huge government run health care program, while he keeps the cost of the fine a secret until he hits you with it. I will bring down the skyrocketing cost of health care with competition and choice to lower your premiums, and make it more available to more Americans. I'll make sure you can keep the same health plan if you change jobs or leave a job to stay home.
I will provide every single American family with a $5000 refundable tax credit to help them purchase insurance. Workers who already have health care insurance from their employers will keep it and have more money to cover costs. Workers who don't have health insurance can use it to find a policy anywhere in this country to meet their basic needs.
If I'm elected President, I won't raise taxes on small businesses, as Senator Obama proposes, and force them to cut jobs. I will keep small business taxes where they are, help them keep their costs low, and let them spend their earnings to create more jobs.
If I'm elected President, I won't meet unconditionally with the Castro brothers, while they keep political prisoners in jail, stifle free media and block free elections in Cuba. When I am President, we are going to pressure the Cuban government to free their people. The day is coming when Cuba will be free. I will open new markets to goods made in America and make sure our trade is free and fair. And I'll make sure we help workers who've lost a job that won't come back find a new one that won't go away.
If I'm elected President, I won't make it harder to sell our goods overseas and kill more jobs as Senator Obama proposes. I will open new markets to goods made in America and make sure our trade is free and fair. And I'll make sure we help workers who've lost a job that won't come back find a new one that won't go away.
The last President to raise taxes and restrict trade in a bad economy as Senator Obama proposes was Herbert Hoover. That turned a recession into a depression. They say those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Well, my friends, I know my history lessons, and I sure won't make the mistakes Senator Obama will.
If I'm elected President, we're going to stop sending $700 billion to countries that don't like us very much. I won't argue to delay drilling for more oil and gas and building new nuclear power plants in America, as Senator Obama does. We will start new drilling now. We will invest in all energy alternativesÊ-- nuclear, wind, solar, and tide. We will encourage the manufacture of hybrid, flex fuel and electric automobiles. We will invest in clean coal technology. We will lower the cost of energy within months, and we will create millions of new jobs.
Let me give you the state of the race today. We have 18 days to go. We're 6 points down. The national media has written us off. Senator Obama is measuring the drapes, and planning with Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid to raise taxes, increase spending, take away your right to vote by secret ballot in labor elections, and concede defeat in Iraq. But they forgot to let you decide. My friends, we've got them just where we want them.
What America needs in this hour is a fighter; someone who puts all his cards on the table and trusts the judgment of the American people. I come from a long line of McCains who believed that to love America is to fight for her. I have fought for you most of my life. There are other ways to love this country, but I've never been the kind to do it from the sidelines.
I know you're worried. America is a great country, but we are at a moment of national crisis that will determine our future. Will we continue to lead the world's economies or will we be overtaken? Will the world become safer or more dangerous? Will our military remain the strongest in the world? Will our children and grandchildren's future be brighter than ours?
My answer to you is yes. Yes, we will lead. Yes, we will prosper. Yes, we will be safer. Yes, we will pass on to our children a stronger, better country. But we must be prepared to act swiftly, boldly, with courage and wisdom.
I know what fear feels like. It's a thief in the night who robs your strength. I know what hopelessness feels like. It's an enemy who defeats your will. I felt those things once before. I will never let them in again. I'm an American. And I choose to fight.
Don't give up hope. Be strong. Have courage. And fight.
Fight for a new direction for our country. Fight for what's right for America. Fight to clean up the mess of corruption, infighting and selfishness in Washington.
Fight to get our economy out of the ditch and back in the lead.
Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.
Fight for our children's future.
Fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.
Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. America is worth fighting for. Nothing is inevitable here. We never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.
Now, let's go win this election and get this country moving again.
Little Faith Pt. II
Oh ye of little faith
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What's wrong with Biden?
I don't know, K-Lo. I don't know.
I don't even have to look it up to know that something stinks about Biden's "98%" of small businesses making less than $250K per year. No doubt many small businesses are below this mark, but consider your basic plumber. Any time anything is wrong with my plumbing that I can't fix myself, I know I'm shilling out at least $100, even if the work takes 15 minutes. Now obviously to bill $250K in a year a plumber is going to have make a lot more than $100/hour, or bill a lot more hours than your average 9-5 workweek. Which is where evenings and weekends come in. One time, the shutoff for my water heater broke on a Friday night and an hour of soldering at weekend/overtime rates set me back over $400. Another time a guy quoted me a price of over $1,000 just to install a back up sump pump. Needless to say that time I got one from Home Depot and installed it myself. Now, you get a few time intensive weekend and evening repairs (imagine if a sump pump needed to be installed late on a Saturday night), and the billing goes up considerably. As it does if the plumber reaches a point where he can buy a second truck and hire another guy to help meet some of the demand out there. I'm sure a heck of a lot more than 2% of all small business owners are making more than $250,000. So a heck of a lot more that 2% of entrepreneurs are going to suffer under an Obama/Biden administration.
A major point that gets overlooked bandying about this "$250K" figure: A web designer working out of his house with a laptop who manages to bill $250K a year has a lot more money in his pocket after expenses are paid than a plumber, who has to buy and maintain his own van, put gas in it, buy tools, and consumable supplies. I have no idea how much these expenses cost him, but I can speak somewhat to his staffing expenses. Where I work, when I want to hire someone, the current rate I have to keep in mind for benefits is 24.1% of their salary. In other words, an employee who is paid $18 an hour ($37,584) per year will ultimately cost my budget over $46,000 per year. What do you suppose a halfway decent plumber takes home? $25 an hour? 30? Let's say $25. Factoring in benefits at my employer's rate, that plumber would cost the business owner almost $65,000 per year. Maybe their benefits are cheaper than mine but it's clear that this is a big hit to a small business owner hypothetically pulling down $250K. And then what if the van needs a transmission? What if gas shoots back up over $4 a gallon? There are thousands of what ifs that can affect this guy's bottom line further. By the time this guy gets home to his wife and kids, he's probably not feeling all that rich.
I don't even have to look it up to know that something stinks about Biden's "98%" of small businesses making less than $250K per year. No doubt many small businesses are below this mark, but consider your basic plumber. Any time anything is wrong with my plumbing that I can't fix myself, I know I'm shilling out at least $100, even if the work takes 15 minutes. Now obviously to bill $250K in a year a plumber is going to have make a lot more than $100/hour, or bill a lot more hours than your average 9-5 workweek. Which is where evenings and weekends come in. One time, the shutoff for my water heater broke on a Friday night and an hour of soldering at weekend/overtime rates set me back over $400. Another time a guy quoted me a price of over $1,000 just to install a back up sump pump. Needless to say that time I got one from Home Depot and installed it myself. Now, you get a few time intensive weekend and evening repairs (imagine if a sump pump needed to be installed late on a Saturday night), and the billing goes up considerably. As it does if the plumber reaches a point where he can buy a second truck and hire another guy to help meet some of the demand out there. I'm sure a heck of a lot more than 2% of all small business owners are making more than $250,000. So a heck of a lot more that 2% of entrepreneurs are going to suffer under an Obama/Biden administration.
A major point that gets overlooked bandying about this "$250K" figure: A web designer working out of his house with a laptop who manages to bill $250K a year has a lot more money in his pocket after expenses are paid than a plumber, who has to buy and maintain his own van, put gas in it, buy tools, and consumable supplies. I have no idea how much these expenses cost him, but I can speak somewhat to his staffing expenses. Where I work, when I want to hire someone, the current rate I have to keep in mind for benefits is 24.1% of their salary. In other words, an employee who is paid $18 an hour ($37,584) per year will ultimately cost my budget over $46,000 per year. What do you suppose a halfway decent plumber takes home? $25 an hour? 30? Let's say $25. Factoring in benefits at my employer's rate, that plumber would cost the business owner almost $65,000 per year. Maybe their benefits are cheaper than mine but it's clear that this is a big hit to a small business owner hypothetically pulling down $250K. And then what if the van needs a transmission? What if gas shoots back up over $4 a gallon? There are thousands of what ifs that can affect this guy's bottom line further. By the time this guy gets home to his wife and kids, he's probably not feeling all that rich.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
More examples of why I don't believe polls
So, the mantra at the beginning of the week was that the polls are narrowing, and now we get a NYT/CBS poll showing Obama with a 14 point lead?
I smell a rat. I smell a desperate attempt to create crushing despair among conservatives and an appeal to any voters who actually are stupid enough to vote for a guy for no other reason than that he's winning. It may be that the so-called independents are coming home to roost, or it may be that the poll was weighted for Manhattan residents. Who knows. Obama may still win this election, but this poll is a joke.
I smell a rat. I smell a desperate attempt to create crushing despair among conservatives and an appeal to any voters who actually are stupid enough to vote for a guy for no other reason than that he's winning. It may be that the so-called independents are coming home to roost, or it may be that the poll was weighted for Manhattan residents. Who knows. Obama may still win this election, but this poll is a joke.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Who are the hateful?
The inimitable Mary Katherine Ham re-examines those alleged "kill him!" remarks. Media bias, anyone?
Now, contrast that with this little lovefest. When I saw this video yesterday, I really didn't want to post it. It's obvious that the marchers were trying to draw attention to themselves, and the little phrases that appear throughout just come across as obnoxious to me. And who knows what was said by the marchers off camera. That said, why didn't the "loyal opposition" in this video can't just ignore the McCain supporters, or at least keep their objections to a minimum? Why the outrage? And in some cases, hate?
A few years ago the Ku Klux Klan held a demonstration in the town in which I was living at the time. The citizenry generally agreed that the loudest way to denounce these sad, sick individuals was to simply pay no attention to them. Not show up. Not protest. Ignore them.
It is probably not hyperbole to suggest that in the strange, curious mind of your average Upper West Side liberal, the differences between a McCain supporter and a Klansman are few and far between. Following the same logic that I and my fellow townspeople employed lo those few years ago, why would the liberals not merely ignore these depraved cretins carrying their McCain/Palin signs?
Because they can't. Help. Themselves. Their animosity toward the conservatives who dared exercise their right to march in the streets is just too great.
Now, contrast that with this little lovefest. When I saw this video yesterday, I really didn't want to post it. It's obvious that the marchers were trying to draw attention to themselves, and the little phrases that appear throughout just come across as obnoxious to me. And who knows what was said by the marchers off camera. That said, why didn't the "loyal opposition" in this video can't just ignore the McCain supporters, or at least keep their objections to a minimum? Why the outrage? And in some cases, hate?
A few years ago the Ku Klux Klan held a demonstration in the town in which I was living at the time. The citizenry generally agreed that the loudest way to denounce these sad, sick individuals was to simply pay no attention to them. Not show up. Not protest. Ignore them.
It is probably not hyperbole to suggest that in the strange, curious mind of your average Upper West Side liberal, the differences between a McCain supporter and a Klansman are few and far between. Following the same logic that I and my fellow townspeople employed lo those few years ago, why would the liberals not merely ignore these depraved cretins carrying their McCain/Palin signs?
Because they can't. Help. Themselves. Their animosity toward the conservatives who dared exercise their right to march in the streets is just too great.
Monday, October 13, 2008
About that $250K...
The idea that Barack Obama would give anybody a tax cut if elected runs contrary to the first irrefutable axiom of the universe:
"A Democrat, once elected, will neither propose nor support a tax cut of any kind."
This WSJ article reminds us what happened the last time a young charismatic democrat made such a promise. [H/T M-Po]
"A Democrat, once elected, will neither propose nor support a tax cut of any kind."
This WSJ article reminds us what happened the last time a young charismatic democrat made such a promise. [H/T M-Po]
Friday, October 10, 2008
Eric Johnson
Double dang.
The audio and video quality aren't superb, but good enough. I like this clip because there are plenty of close ups on his hands so I can see how he does that stuff.
Now excuse me while I go throw my guitar in the trash.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Blah Blah Blah.
Blah Blah Blah Bill Ayers. Blah Blah Blah ACORN. Blah Blah Blah Jeremiah Wright. Blah Blah Blah Rezko.
Just now, this stuff is getting talked up? Just now?
McCain should have been hammering this stuff relentlessly from the convention onward. But he's refused, more content to let his surrogates in the alternative media carry his water while he himself has conducted an "honorable campaign."
Senator, allowing others to "get your message out for you" while distancing yourself is not honorable. It's duplicitous. It's time for "straight talk."
You had the opportunity to bury Obama with this stuff in the first debate, yet you abstained, and now head into a second debate that will be far less watched and therefore far less effective (I personally, along with my wife, will continue to get caught up on previous seasons of The Office). If I read tomorrow that you did not go for the throat with all of the aforementioned blahs--ALL of them--in this debate, this election is over.
Because you'll have remained content to be a doubletalking wuss instead of a winner.
Just now, this stuff is getting talked up? Just now?
McCain should have been hammering this stuff relentlessly from the convention onward. But he's refused, more content to let his surrogates in the alternative media carry his water while he himself has conducted an "honorable campaign."
Senator, allowing others to "get your message out for you" while distancing yourself is not honorable. It's duplicitous. It's time for "straight talk."
You had the opportunity to bury Obama with this stuff in the first debate, yet you abstained, and now head into a second debate that will be far less watched and therefore far less effective (I personally, along with my wife, will continue to get caught up on previous seasons of The Office). If I read tomorrow that you did not go for the throat with all of the aforementioned blahs--ALL of them--in this debate, this election is over.
Because you'll have remained content to be a doubletalking wuss instead of a winner.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Post Debate Impressions
I was with my mens group from church last night during the debate so I watched it on tape when I got home. I could tell things went well however from listening to Hugh Hewitt's live coverage and the calls he took.
All in all, Sarah Palin did a fine job. It wasn't the total smackdown I was hoping for, but she proved that she can go toe to toe with a career politician and lifetime insider like Joe Biden. In retrospect it was very "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
Initial observations: Palin looked enthusiastic, optimistic (almost bubbly), and confident. Biden looked angry and cynical. I think Palin's "golly gee willikers!" expressions might wear thin on some people ("heck yeah!" "darned right we do!") but I think that was just the real Sarah coming through. Her engaging the camera was masterful. Biden was able to get away with some outright lies just because Palin, in her own words has "only been at it for five weeks" and wouldn't be expected to recognize every tall tale that Slow Joe spun. And obviously, she's not as slick a talker as Biden is (which I'm sure the more viciously mean leftists like Keith Olbermann and Tina Fey will make use of), but she knew her stuff, and I'm sure that given the choice between a less polished straight talker and a slick-as-grease BS artist like Biden, most people would generally prefer the former.
Biden's great triumph was getting through the debate without a major gaffe (apart from his lies which Palin accurately predicted would be debunked immediately following the debate). Because he managed to accomplish this herculean (for him) feat, most pundits are calling the debate a draw. But if we're going to apply the same standard that the MSM so generously applied to Obama after the first debate, "a tie goes to the underdog" and Palin wins. And actually I don't think it was a tie. I think she beat him handily.
All in all, Sarah Palin did a fine job. It wasn't the total smackdown I was hoping for, but she proved that she can go toe to toe with a career politician and lifetime insider like Joe Biden. In retrospect it was very "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
Initial observations: Palin looked enthusiastic, optimistic (almost bubbly), and confident. Biden looked angry and cynical. I think Palin's "golly gee willikers!" expressions might wear thin on some people ("heck yeah!" "darned right we do!") but I think that was just the real Sarah coming through. Her engaging the camera was masterful. Biden was able to get away with some outright lies just because Palin, in her own words has "only been at it for five weeks" and wouldn't be expected to recognize every tall tale that Slow Joe spun. And obviously, she's not as slick a talker as Biden is (which I'm sure the more viciously mean leftists like Keith Olbermann and Tina Fey will make use of), but she knew her stuff, and I'm sure that given the choice between a less polished straight talker and a slick-as-grease BS artist like Biden, most people would generally prefer the former.
Biden's great triumph was getting through the debate without a major gaffe (apart from his lies which Palin accurately predicted would be debunked immediately following the debate). Because he managed to accomplish this herculean (for him) feat, most pundits are calling the debate a draw. But if we're going to apply the same standard that the MSM so generously applied to Obama after the first debate, "a tie goes to the underdog" and Palin wins. And actually I don't think it was a tie. I think she beat him handily.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Cubs
So it all comes down to the nutcase on the bump tonight. I can't believe Dempster walked seven. Unreal.
No sweat
I believe polls never, because I suspect they are used by the left leaning media in order to create panic and depression in conservatives before an election--and to deceive conservatives on election day into thinking that all is lost early, and that they may as well not show up. Remember in 2004 when the big 3 networks all but called the election for Kerry based on exit polls?
This doesn't mean I'm always right and the polls are necessarily wrong. In 2006, despite polls showing a catastrophic loss for the GOP in both chambers of Congress, I believed Karl Rove when he said on Hugh Hewitt's show that the GOP would keep the house and possibly even make gains in the Senate. I believed him because up to that point he had been right an awful lot and the polls had been deceptively wrong an awful lot as well.
But I still refuse to put much stock in polls as a general principle. It's a nice feeling when your guy is up and the other guy is down, but really it's meaningless. Voters who are not hard leftists have got to overcome a lot of doubts to vote for Obama: His relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. His two decades of indoctrination in the church of borderline cult leader and extreme America hater Jeremiah Wright. His up-to-his-eyeballs involvement with the corrupt Chicago combine, including Tony Rezko, and now, his "community organizer" activities with the shakedown operation known as ACORN are getting more attention in light of the mortgage scandal (one of Mr. Obama's specialties was training shakedown artists to go hit up Chicago banks for loans to people who couldn't afford them).
Of course, as Rush pointed out yesterday, McCain is hurting himself by not talking about this. Mac missed a golden opportunity in the first debate to pin this mess on the likes of Obama and his fellow obstructionists on the hill. McCain signed on as a co-sponsor of s.190, a lending reform bill, in 2005. Democrats like Obama, the second largest recipient of campaign contributions from the government backed lenders, made sure this never saw the light of day. McCain alleges that he will "make them famous and you will know their names." Yet he didn't nail Barry to the wall on this one. And it may have cost him big. He can try to correct it in the next debate, but a lot fewer people will tune in for that one.
So a lot is resting on Sarah Palin's shoulders tonight. I'm still not worried, I think she'll cream Biden and handle the ridiculously partisan and highly unethical Gwen Ifill masterfully. But the campaign has lost some momentum. I still put no stock in polls, and I'll believe Obama has this won when I see the electoral vote count on election night. But this election is McCain's to win or lose, and he's got to decide if he's going to play smashmouth or not.
This doesn't mean I'm always right and the polls are necessarily wrong. In 2006, despite polls showing a catastrophic loss for the GOP in both chambers of Congress, I believed Karl Rove when he said on Hugh Hewitt's show that the GOP would keep the house and possibly even make gains in the Senate. I believed him because up to that point he had been right an awful lot and the polls had been deceptively wrong an awful lot as well.
But I still refuse to put much stock in polls as a general principle. It's a nice feeling when your guy is up and the other guy is down, but really it's meaningless. Voters who are not hard leftists have got to overcome a lot of doubts to vote for Obama: His relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. His two decades of indoctrination in the church of borderline cult leader and extreme America hater Jeremiah Wright. His up-to-his-eyeballs involvement with the corrupt Chicago combine, including Tony Rezko, and now, his "community organizer" activities with the shakedown operation known as ACORN are getting more attention in light of the mortgage scandal (one of Mr. Obama's specialties was training shakedown artists to go hit up Chicago banks for loans to people who couldn't afford them).
Of course, as Rush pointed out yesterday, McCain is hurting himself by not talking about this. Mac missed a golden opportunity in the first debate to pin this mess on the likes of Obama and his fellow obstructionists on the hill. McCain signed on as a co-sponsor of s.190, a lending reform bill, in 2005. Democrats like Obama, the second largest recipient of campaign contributions from the government backed lenders, made sure this never saw the light of day. McCain alleges that he will "make them famous and you will know their names." Yet he didn't nail Barry to the wall on this one. And it may have cost him big. He can try to correct it in the next debate, but a lot fewer people will tune in for that one.
So a lot is resting on Sarah Palin's shoulders tonight. I'm still not worried, I think she'll cream Biden and handle the ridiculously partisan and highly unethical Gwen Ifill masterfully. But the campaign has lost some momentum. I still put no stock in polls, and I'll believe Obama has this won when I see the electoral vote count on election night. But this election is McCain's to win or lose, and he's got to decide if he's going to play smashmouth or not.
What a joke.
Beldar at Hugh Hewitt's blog explains what an utter joke it is that Gwen Ifill is hosting tonight's debate.
Yes, I stand to make millions if Obama wins the election, and I resent the notion that this would somehow affect my objectivity...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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