Norm Coleman leads Al Franken by six points.
I don't know how this election is going to turn out. My worst nightmare could come true, ie: Obama takes the White House, the Democrats take a supermajority in both chambers of Congress, and we enter in to a new era of socialism, nanny state entitlements, full amnesty and citizenship for 20,000,000 illegal aliens in our country, and most importantly, a federal judiciary stacked with the left wing idealogues who will rewrite the Constitution from the bench and remake America in their image. Hello, unfettered ACLU/AUSCS intimidation and legal action against churches and other faith based organizations. Hello reparations. Hello the "fairness doctrine." Goodbye home schooling, etc.
But even if that happens: (assuming he wins) we'll always have Norm.
When I heard this poll result earlier today (contrary to what I said before: if the poll shows the Republican up I tend to believe it, because he's probably actually up more than the media is letting on), I literally shouted for joy. Uber liberal Al Franken, the "tax-dodging pornographer," as some have called him, is absolutely wrong for this country, in addition to being an all around total jerk. He is one of the few Americans who if I met, (and though I know it would be wrong) I would be tempted to challenge to a fist fight. Perhaps it's because he has a long track record of resorting to violence and unhinged rage against his opponents instead of using the intellect that probably resides somewhere between his ears.
At the 2004 RNC, Franken charged the table where former Laura Ingraham radio show producer Lee Habib was sitting, and screamed himself hoarse at Habib.
When Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review said something that didn't sit well with Franken, Al publicly challenged Lowry to a fist fight.
During the 04' primaries, Franken physically assaulted a protester at a Howard Dean speech.
And lastly, he thought it was in good taste to write a comedy sketch about rape. This guy is just nuts. I'm heartened that the citizens of Minnesota appear to agree.
Coleman could still lose, but I am encouraged.
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