Monday, February 16, 2009

Forboding on Presidents Day

As Presidents Day wanes, I can't help but note the troubling irony that our new President, perhaps the least experienced, least qualified man in my lifetime to hold the office, has had a near-trillion dollar spending bill thrown in his lap. A responsibility this massive and potentially catastrophic--and which never should have been enacted in the first place--would be a troubling burden in the hands of the most experienced statesman. And it currently resides in the hands of this inexperienced and untested young President who, if he is to be judged by his past associations and statements (ACORN, J. Wright, "spread the wealth"), is still surrounded by some very unsettling question marks. This untested young President has been handed an unprecedented opportunity to do incredible damage to our nation. Let us pray he shows heretofore uncharacteristic good judgement in how he proceeds.

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