Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cow Dunk

Yesterday, talk show host Eric "Mancow" Muller was waterboarded live on WLS AM 890 Chicago. He lasted about 8 seconds. Here's the vid.

Mancow said it was torture. Before he went through it he said adamantly up and down that it was not torture. He had also interviewed a few Navy SEALs in the days leading up to the event. SEALs all undergo waterboarding as part of their training. Generally they would say things like "it's not fun," but stopped short of calling it torture.

Whether it's torture or not, even watching this video I find myself impressed and grateful that our military and intelligence communities have devised a method of interrogation that is so highly effective yet stops short of leaving permanent physical harm. It is rough, intense, and coercive, as is sometimes required for thugs with intel. But ripping out fingernails it is not. And considering that we've broadcast to the terrorist world that the longest they'll ever have to endure this procedure is 40 seconds at a stretch, any further comparison between us and Al Queda monsters who mutilate for fun is beyond contemptible.

As to whether there is lingering psychological harm, let's just say I'm not losing any sleep over whether or not Khalid Sheik Muhammed has nightmares about drowning.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Threat? What Threat?

So in his speech today, the President is going to say that America "lost its way" in conducting the GWOT, and supposedly will renew his pledge to close gitmo.

This on the heels of a terror plot broken up by the FBI, which involved "three U.S.-born citizens and one Haitian immigrant - at least three of whom were said to be jailhouse converts to Islam."

Jailhouse converts to Islam. Will Obama emphatically pledge that none of the Gitmo detainees will be brought stateside? Not that we'd have anything to fear from them if they were brought here--I mean, you think they're actually going to proselytize to their fellow inmates? That's just crazy.

There is one person above all others whom I fear is lost in the woods on this issue, sir, and you can see his reflection in your teleprompter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Found It! No Really! Don't Click On That Other Link...

MISSING LINK FOUND! Trumpets the headline on Sky News.

But wait, says Denyse O'Leary. This find raises more questions than it answers...

Finally, the Wall Street Journal article, which suggests that some scientists believe that this 47 Million Year Old primate may--just may, mind you--serve as common ancestor of later primates. And that other scientists with differing evolutionary paradigms are not at all happy with that idea.

Just one example of misleading, agenda driven journalism, kiddies--and an illustration of how you may have to dig a little deeper if the first whiff doesn't smell right. Remember this the next time you read the next sensational story about the unearthing of a missing link fossil, or about some new discovery of a planet that's "just like Earth, and may support life," or some archaeologist who claims to have irrefutable proof that Jesus Christ was really a married donkey salesman with five kids.

Ta-ta for now.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Haven't blogged in a bit.

Well, what do you need to know anyway? Blah blah blah Socialism, blah blah Nanny State, blah blah blah blah higher taxes, blah blah great-grandchildren in debt for the rest of their lives, blah blah our enemies emboldened, blah blah blah blah blah blah fairness doctrine coming soon, blah blah blah blah blah blah Cap and Trade, blah blah blah blah blah.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


HECK YEAH! Somebody finally makes a documentary about my home town!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dom DeLuise, RIP

I have a lot of fond memories of Dom DeLuise making me laugh as a kid. He was a staple in several Mel Brooks films like Silent Movie and History of the World Part I. He's pretty much the only reason to ever watch the Cannonball Run again.

Here's my favorite Dom DeLuise role of all time (warning, a few naughty words):

Homey Don't Play That

When Jeb Bush made his idiotic remarks the other day about the GOP's need to "get beyond Reagan", I confess I had daydreams of Damon Wayons sneaking up behind Bush in his Homie the Clown costume and giving him a good whallop with that sock.

Little Caesars

In the late 80s early 90s, Little Caesars ran a series of ads that in my mind are the best commercials ever produced. Here's an example, and a link to more: