Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Found It! No Really! Don't Click On That Other Link...

MISSING LINK FOUND! Trumpets the headline on Sky News.

But wait, says Denyse O'Leary. This find raises more questions than it answers...

Finally, the Wall Street Journal article, which suggests that some scientists believe that this 47 Million Year Old primate may--just may, mind you--serve as common ancestor of later primates. And that other scientists with differing evolutionary paradigms are not at all happy with that idea.

Just one example of misleading, agenda driven journalism, kiddies--and an illustration of how you may have to dig a little deeper if the first whiff doesn't smell right. Remember this the next time you read the next sensational story about the unearthing of a missing link fossil, or about some new discovery of a planet that's "just like Earth, and may support life," or some archaeologist who claims to have irrefutable proof that Jesus Christ was really a married donkey salesman with five kids.

Ta-ta for now.

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