Thursday, May 21, 2009

Threat? What Threat?

So in his speech today, the President is going to say that America "lost its way" in conducting the GWOT, and supposedly will renew his pledge to close gitmo.

This on the heels of a terror plot broken up by the FBI, which involved "three U.S.-born citizens and one Haitian immigrant - at least three of whom were said to be jailhouse converts to Islam."

Jailhouse converts to Islam. Will Obama emphatically pledge that none of the Gitmo detainees will be brought stateside? Not that we'd have anything to fear from them if they were brought here--I mean, you think they're actually going to proselytize to their fellow inmates? That's just crazy.

There is one person above all others whom I fear is lost in the woods on this issue, sir, and you can see his reflection in your teleprompter.

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