Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's this?

*Blows dust off*

Why, it's my blog.

I find myself blogging seldom anymore. A number of reasons.

1. Twitter has destroyed my blog. If I have an interesting idea, I post it there, in 140 characters or less, and after that it's very hard to motivate myself to blog further on that subject.

2. Nothing the Obama administration does surprises me or strikes me as unexpected, and therefore, I'd just be blogging about the frickin' obvious.

Obama owns the mortgage industry. He owns the auto industry. And now, it appears, he owns ABC news...which I think technically makes him a pimp.

What is there to say, really. Get pissed, get good and pissed, and count the days until you can toss the loser out on his ample ears. If you or I don't channel the outrage in to votes, than anything we type is just so much playing with ourselves.

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