Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Broken Record

Reminded of They Might Be Giants' song, Ana Ng. "Everything sticks like a broken record." Like a broken record, I keep marvelling at my total absence of will to blog. From whence my sluggardliness cometh?

Partially, because of ennui/cynicism. It's easier to be a grumpy old man and sit there and kvetch at the news verbally rather than in print.

Partially, because, I figure, since Obama & Co are doing such a perfectly good job of making complete ass pies of themselves, what's left for me to contribute?

Partially, because in order to adequately describe the absurdity and stupidity that is the Democrat regime, I would have to invent new words, like "absostupidilliness," and I just...eh.

Holder wants to charge Bush administration officials for War Crimes. Sigh.

Holder isn't worthy of picking up a Bush administration official's dry cleaning.

Dems are trying to make an outrage out of this secret CIA program, never instituted, to assasinate Al Queda terrorists. Let me type that again. No, let me cut and paste, for I lack the strength: Dems are trying to make an outrage out of this secret CIA program, never instituted, to assasinate Al Queda terrorists. Set aside for a moment the fact that the only TRUE outrage is that it was never instituted...

I can just see the next blockbuster headline on the NY Times: "Democrats Outraged at Bush Administration Policy of Feeding Starving Orphans."

If there was a way such a headline would provide cover for Pelosi's bony rump, you know they'd run it.

And now, on the heels of cap n' tax, the dems are going to fast track socialized medicine to President Skippy's desk.

I'm just going to stop here.

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