WhatEVAH. The guy feels the need to issue a public defense of his chick jeans, but the most important piece of legislation for his entire Presidency, the one that currently hangs in the balance and will either make or break him (and, it so happens, the same bill that he's holding his one trillionth press conference to bitch about), isn't about him.
Didn't see the President's press conference tonight. Had more important things to do. Haven't seen ratings, wonder if he pulled more viewers than he did with the ill-fated ABC infomercial.
Rush et al will dissect the speech tomorrow, but for now, here's Hugh Hewitt's take on Obama's performance. Hewitt, who managed the Federal employee health care plan when he worked in government, knows a thing or two about health care. As you'll see, Hugh is less than impressed.
Also, one little snippet from the AP write up caught my attention:
[Obama] said Medicare and Medicaid, government health care programs for the elderly and the poor, are the "biggest driving force behind our federal deficit."
Unless they are tamed, he said to a national TV audience, "we will not be able to control our deficit. If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket."
Got it. The socialized medicine programs we already have are bankrupting the country, so let's dump everybody in the plan instead of just old people. That'll fix things.
As Terry Jones, editor of Investors Business Daily pointed out, Obama's plan for a tax hike on "$1,000,000 families" or "people making over $250,000," or whatever today's metric is, will raise about an additional $500 billion in revenue over the next decade for Obamacare. (This WAPO piece substantiates that figure as a combo of additional taxes and reduced deductions.) Where, Jones asks, is the other trillion going to come from? (This Heritage article suggests Jones might have estimated low. $5 Trillion too low.)
Question: what has two thumbs and is about to get its cocoa-based confectionery goods packed by the Obama administration?
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