Thursday, May 29, 2008

You mean they SPOKE to each other????

The horror! Horror! Karl Rove and Scooter Libby actually spoke to each other when the Valarie Plame circus was unfolding, writes Scott McClellan in his new book, What Happened [Excerpt from Politico]:

“There is only one moment during the leak episode that I am reluctant to
discuss,” he writes. “It was in 2005, during a time when attention was
focusing on Rove and Libby, and it sticks vividly in my mind. … Following [a
meeting in Chief of Staff Andy Card’s office], … Scooter Libby was walking
to the entryway as he prepared to depart when Karl turned to get his
attention. ‘You have time to visit?’ Karl asked. ‘Yeah,’ replied Libby.“I
have no idea what they discussed, but it seemed suspicious for these two,
whom I had never noticed spending any one-on-one time together, to go behind
closed doors and visit privately. … At least one of them, Rove, it was
publicly known at the time, had at best misled me by not sharing relevant
information, and credible rumors were spreading that the other, Libby, had
done at least as much. …“The confidential meeting also occurred at a moment
when I was being battered by the press for publicly vouching for the two by
claiming they were not involved in leaking Plame’s identity, when recently
revealed information was now indicating otherwise. … I don’t know what they
discussed, but what would any knowledgeable person reasonably and logically
conclude was the topic? Like the whole truth of people’s involvement, we
will likely never know with any degree of confidence.”

So what? Maybe they colluded to lie, maybe not. If I was in either of their shoes, facing federal prosecutors and possible jail time, I'm not so sure I wouldn't want to sit down for a little pow-wow to make sure I had my facts straight either. By the way, wasn't Richard Armitage the one who outed Plame?

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