Monday, September 29, 2008


First. The Dodgers scare me. I wish the team would have shown up yesterday to force a Mets/Brewers shootout.

Second. Regarding "tie goes to the runner:" Bull. Malarkey. Meshuggah. McCain won Friday's debate hands down. The only reason that Obama walked away with a barely perceptible limp is because McCain let him. Mac should have nailed Barry on his graft from mortgage lenders the moment the latter tried to pin it on "the failed policies of the Bush administration." Mac didn't and it was a mistake.

How small Barry looked is only beginning to come out: we now know for instance that the late Sgt. Jopek's bracelet, which Obama trotted out during his "me-too" moment, is worn contrary to the wishes of the dead soldier's family. But what would you expect from a guy so classy he'd try to seek out a rape victim for an ad.

Finally, this "bailout" still makes no sense to me.

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