Friday, November 7, 2008


Rush is talking right now about how when people on the right disagree with Obama, it's not dissent, it's "rage." He's dead right. Thou shalt not disagree with The One, to do so is evidence of rage. Your state sponsored orderlies will be along shortly to usher you to your mandatory anger management therapy. Remember, it's only because we care.

After the 2004 election, a new expression, "post-election traumatic stress disorder," was coined to describe the massive depression that swept Blue State America. Jonathan Chait coined the term "Bush Hatred" in a column about how much he literally hates George W. Bush (the right renamed the term "Chaitred). Liberals literally needed therapy. There were loud promises (woefully unkept) of mass migrations to Canada. Red-state America was bitterly dubbed "Jesusland" by the left. I remember how in the runup to the '04 election (shades of things to come) Chris Matthews absolutely lost his mind and started screaming at Michelle Malkin for an entire segment because she wrote, of all things, a book about Liberals who lose their minds. It was the liberals who expressed rage. It was the liberals who expressed contempt. It was the liberals who screamed and sobbed like bedwetting little girls (okay, they did that at the Obama victory party too). The right does not respond with rage when their candidate (in this case, Sarah Palin) loses. In the words of Ol'Blue Eyes, we "pick [ourselves] up, dust [ourselves] off, and start all over again. This obsession the left (with it's proud history of racism, eugenics, internment and silencing of debate) has with branding the right as "full of rage" or hatred, is so laughable, it's almost cute.

I remember having a conversation with some relatives of mine (well, really I wasn't really part of the converation, I just sat there listening in silent fascination) about Rush. One person who will remain unidentified commented that Rush was obviously so incredibly talented, but yet "so full of hate" that he couldn't bring himself to listen to Rush's show. I didn't bother to ask where that assumption came from. Apparently, that "truth" was supposed to be self evident.

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