As heartrending as it can be that my sons are growing up on me (my oldest just turned eight! Who said he could do that?), each phase still contains new joys and memories. I took my sons on their first camping trip earlier this year, and many more will follow, of that you may be certain. I'm forcing them (and there was much kicking and screaming) to learn to play the guitar. I'm actually able to tackle them now when we play football. We can study history together (and grieve Presidential elections gone bad together). We can watch the Star Wars trilogies together. We can lightsaber duel together, and I've got the welts on my knuckles to prove it. And we're able to read longer books, that don't involve pictures, together.
We just started reading Redwall. I've never heard an ill word breathed about this series, which I myself have never read. I'm hoping we all enjoy it.
1 comment:
I loved reading Redwall when I was younger, and then again when I found it in a bookstore just a few months ago.
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