Thursday, July 10, 2008

March of the polar bears

Hugh Hewitt draws attention to the opening salvos of the envirofacists' latest scheme to ruin everything for everyone. Follow the link to his May 16 column.

And it's GOOD that businesses will fail, and that infrastructure development will be halted and that WICKED oil exploration is thwarted, and that gas for our FILTY polution-mobiles gets more expensive, and that the economy tanks, and that people lose their jobs! Good! Let it happen! Because we're BAD! We're bad, bad stinky poopie people, and all we do is consume and consume like PIGS! We all ought to feel ashamed of ourselves, and we need to be punished! We need to feel the pain we've inflicted upon Gaia! $5 dollars a gallon nothing compared to what we' ve done to the trees! WHY DON'T YOU EVER THINK OF THE TREES????? I'm here for you, tree. I love yoooooooooooou...

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