Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pop Quiz:

Barack Obama's grave, majestic aura most reminds you of:

A. Your five year old demanding your full attention because he has something very important to tell you about Elmo's World.
B. A student body presidential hopeful solemly vowing that, if elected, tater tots will go back on the cafeteria menu.
C. A Hardees employing revelling in the awesome power and responsibility of his promotion to assistant shift supervisor.
D. Your boss's son, strutting through the office with his buddies during term break.
E. All of the above

This will be graded.

1 comment:

mporembski said...

Definitely D. Sometimes my five year old DOES have something very important to him to tell me about Star Wars and because I love him, it's important to me.

With Barry, it's D but "his buddies" are played by the reporters covering him (that'd be almost ALL of them), and daddy would be the cultural elite that have ordained him as "the chosen one" that will lead us to the promised land of everybody liking us and if that's so, nobody will attack us.

I'm sorry, but I don't really care what other's think of us and I want MY GUY doing what's in MY best interest and not the best interests of other countries.