Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My first impression upon hearing that Obama had picked Joe Biden has his running mate was that it was a safe choice that would neither help nor hurt Obama. Biden, for all of his past plagiarism scandals, is a pretty tame cat compared to some of the other pols out there. Plus, he's old, something sorely lacking from the Obama campaign.

However, It's suprising that the news yielded absolutely zero bounce for Obama. According to Gallup, McCain has actually pulled ahead slightly. This poll was conducted Aug 23-25, during the runup to and beginning of the DNC convention. It appears none of that buzz helped Obama either. Not the kind of news I'd want to wake up to, were I O.

McCain's VP choice by contrast will probably cause a significant shift in polling data, for good or ill depending upon whom is chosen. If Daddy Mac picks Romney I would expect to see a substantial boost as on-the-fence conservatives start to board the Straight Talk Express.

Obama should still be able to look forward to a temporary 15-20 point bounce in the polls after the convention, but after Mrs. Clinton's "knockout" appearance last night at the convention, democrats may be feeling some buyer's remorse about Biden.

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