Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009

So in what was clearly designed as a move to restore his quickly plummeting popularity, Obama appeared on Leno last night. We now know what happens when he leaves the teleprompter at home.
From today's Politico
He said he had been working on his bowling game just below his new residence and recently rolled a 129.
“That’s very good, Mr. President,” cracked host Jay Leno.
"It's like — it was like Special Olympics, or something," the president replied.
Mr. President, speaking as the father of a child with special needs, I'll forgive you because my God requires it. However, you prove once again that you are far too woefully inept for your office, and I wonder how long before our nation is once again embarrassed by you. I'm sure the wait won't be long.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mayor Daley, to make Chicago a virtual lock for 2016, I think you ought to petition the Olympic committee to admit Sherling to the Summer games ASAP! They'll be falling over themselves to demonstrate their gratitude.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Never Let A Bad Cliche Die a Natural Death.
Jonah Goldberg: Obama's Fear Mongering.
I found myself sincerely taken aback the other day when Hillary Clinton reiterated Emmanuel's pathetic mantra "never let a crisis go to waste." I thought it was a moment of naive hand-showing brought about by victory exuberance when Emmanuel said it. Crude, but forgettable if not forgivable. When the Secretary of State actually chose to use those words again, premeditated and intentionally, I was incredulous. And now, the President has adopted the slogan. Is this more of the same "send-Brown-some-DVDs" incompetence for which his entire staff should have already been fired? Or are they all so simply bereft of common sense and out of sync with reality that they actually think this scare mongering is clever? Is Joe Biden suddenly the main White House speech writer?
I found myself sincerely taken aback the other day when Hillary Clinton reiterated Emmanuel's pathetic mantra "never let a crisis go to waste." I thought it was a moment of naive hand-showing brought about by victory exuberance when Emmanuel said it. Crude, but forgettable if not forgivable. When the Secretary of State actually chose to use those words again, premeditated and intentionally, I was incredulous. And now, the President has adopted the slogan. Is this more of the same "send-Brown-some-DVDs" incompetence for which his entire staff should have already been fired? Or are they all so simply bereft of common sense and out of sync with reality that they actually think this scare mongering is clever? Is Joe Biden suddenly the main White House speech writer?
Mitch McConnell on the Leadership Deficit
Mitch pretty much calls it.
I find it ironic that Obama signed this bill on the same day that the news came off that Bernie Madhoff announced he will plead guilty. You know the difference between an American taxpayer and an investor in one of Madhoff's frauds? The investors had a choice.
I find it ironic that Obama signed this bill on the same day that the news came off that Bernie Madhoff announced he will plead guilty. You know the difference between an American taxpayer and an investor in one of Madhoff's frauds? The investors had a choice.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Let the slaughter commence.
So today, Obama ends eight years of moral restraint and opts to get us further in touch with our bestial nature.
We will mutilate unborn human beings who otherwise might have been adopted. We will probably before too much longer clone unborn human beings in order to cannibalize their parts.
Should you be just a trifle less lackadaisical about this, Mr. President?
I don't go in for these Revelation/End Times TV Preachers who attempt to label any moral failing on our nation's part as the harbinger of the Apocalypse, or who point to any natural disaster as God's wrath.
But this one has me scared. Is it not enough to abort 1.5 million unborn human beings a year in this country? Do we now have to murder them in vivo? Will we soon manufacture people and harvest their parts? How is this different from taking children out of orphanages and slaying them to obtain their organs for the black market?
Our God has been patient and merciful. But he won't be mocked forever.
We will mutilate unborn human beings who otherwise might have been adopted. We will probably before too much longer clone unborn human beings in order to cannibalize their parts.
Should you be just a trifle less lackadaisical about this, Mr. President?
I don't go in for these Revelation/End Times TV Preachers who attempt to label any moral failing on our nation's part as the harbinger of the Apocalypse, or who point to any natural disaster as God's wrath.
But this one has me scared. Is it not enough to abort 1.5 million unborn human beings a year in this country? Do we now have to murder them in vivo? Will we soon manufacture people and harvest their parts? How is this different from taking children out of orphanages and slaying them to obtain their organs for the black market?
Our God has been patient and merciful. But he won't be mocked forever.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
John Frusciante
When I was in college, I was a HUGE Red Hot Chili Peppers fan--in no small measure because of Frusciante's incredible playing. While Anthony Kiedis and Flea garner all the attention as the band's core (or at least its "personality"), John's creative energy and musical brilliance made for an eerily smooth segway (musically at least) for the band after the death of Hillel Slovak. That John's talent held the band together and gave it focus as an artistic force was neither obvious nor appreciated until he left the band post-Blood Sugar Sex Magik for his extended bout with nervous breakdown/heroin addiction/crappy albums/general life destruction. The band tried in vain to create the same magic with Arik Marshall but it was not to be found. Nor, to my great shock and surprise, was a winning combination at hand with guitarist extraordinaire Dave Navarro. My elation at the Jane's Addiction guitarist's recruitment by the band fizzled the first time I heard One Hot Minute.
It was around the time that album came out that I began to mature in my Christian faith, which for me meant a parting of ways with bands like the Chili Peppers. However, I was pleased to hear in 1998 that Frusciante had gotten his life together and rejoined the band. While I haven't purchased anything since One Hot Minute, the singles I've heard on the radio have make it pretty apparent that Frusciante's talent and brilliance haven't been eviscerated by all the smack he's shot. His playing remains inspired. I wish he and the rest of the reformed junkies in that band continued success. And hopefully, someday, peace in Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tiny Dancer
The President's Chief of Staff, in earlier (FABULOUS!) years...
From Rush's monologue today:
But make no mistake about it. Emanuel is the leader of all of this. Carville and Begala are just trying to ride my fame into their fortune and become relevant again. Begala and Carville, don't confuse them with the power brokers that are managing this. It all Emanuel. Begala and Carville are second-rate talking heads on CNN. CNN has no audience. Rahm Emanuel is the power behind the throne -- and don't let his effeminate nature and his ballerina past mislead you on this. He may look effeminate (he was a ballerina at one time) but he has the feral instincts of a female rat defending its young. Well, take a look. When Emanuel and Carville and Begala are together (and I've seen pictures) it looks like a reunion of the Village People. (singing) Y! M! C! A! They are really the official greeters in Roswell, New Mexico, in Area 51 where Carville was born.
Monday, March 2, 2009
So now that we know per Dick Durbin that the reason Burris was seated really was all about race, a question:
Is Roland Burris now a metaphor for affirmative action, and its outcome when implemented?
Just axin'.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wall O' Star Wars
My sons' room was recently repainted by my stunning bride and her mom. My wife had the great idea of letting the boys paint whatever they wanted on the closet wall. The older boy had no preference, and the younger one of course wanted Star Wars.
So my son and I spent the weekend painting Star Wars characters on the wall, and during the moments that I managed to suppress my staggering anal retentiveness we had a lot of fun. The boy is a burgeoning artist and it was a delight to watch him go to town with a paintbrush. I learned a lot of things about myself through this process, not the least of which being that I am completely incapable of painting a depiction of Luke Skywalker that is anything like masculine.
We'll add color to some of these next weekend, but here are the black and white outlines.
So my son and I spent the weekend painting Star Wars characters on the wall, and during the moments that I managed to suppress my staggering anal retentiveness we had a lot of fun. The boy is a burgeoning artist and it was a delight to watch him go to town with a paintbrush. I learned a lot of things about myself through this process, not the least of which being that I am completely incapable of painting a depiction of Luke Skywalker that is anything like masculine.
We'll add color to some of these next weekend, but here are the black and white outlines.

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