Monday, March 9, 2009

Let the slaughter commence.

So today, Obama ends eight years of moral restraint and opts to get us further in touch with our bestial nature.

We will mutilate unborn human beings who otherwise might have been adopted. We will probably before too much longer clone unborn human beings in order to cannibalize their parts.

Should you be just a trifle less lackadaisical about this, Mr. President?

I don't go in for these Revelation/End Times TV Preachers who attempt to label any moral failing on our nation's part as the harbinger of the Apocalypse, or who point to any natural disaster as God's wrath.

But this one has me scared. Is it not enough to abort 1.5 million unborn human beings a year in this country? Do we now have to murder them in vivo? Will we soon manufacture people and harvest their parts? How is this different from taking children out of orphanages and slaying them to obtain their organs for the black market?

Our God has been patient and merciful. But he won't be mocked forever.

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