Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Never Let A Bad Cliche Die a Natural Death.

Jonah Goldberg: Obama's Fear Mongering.

I found myself sincerely taken aback the other day when Hillary Clinton reiterated Emmanuel's pathetic mantra "never let a crisis go to waste." I thought it was a moment of naive hand-showing brought about by victory exuberance when Emmanuel said it. Crude, but forgettable if not forgivable. When the Secretary of State actually chose to use those words again, premeditated and intentionally, I was incredulous. And now, the President has adopted the slogan. Is this more of the same "send-Brown-some-DVDs" incompetence for which his entire staff should have already been fired? Or are they all so simply bereft of common sense and out of sync with reality that they actually think this scare mongering is clever? Is Joe Biden suddenly the main White House speech writer?

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