Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Waterboy

In his column today, Sun Times Columnist and Obama Waterboy Neil Steinberg had this to say in response to the doubtless massive email respose to his monday column (for my own response, click here).

After I wrote about health care Monday was one of the rare times I stopped reading my e-mail -- too much, too mean-spirited and, ultimately, too dull. But one thing that is clear is that the reactionary right is afraid -- terrified of change, terrified of their own government, desperate that the nation not do anything it isn't already doing. It's a sad, sad way to live your life, and needless to say, deeply un-American. We are not a nation of self-hating cowards, at least not generally.

Wow. Now in addition to Nazi sympathizers, we're self-hating cowards as well. Again, way to go with that ad hominem, Neal. If you keep this up, you may manage to go your entire career without ever having to back up any of your infantile leftist drivel.

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