Friday, June 6, 2008

HM Magazine

A very cool magazine, to which, for some reason now forgotten, I, years ago, stopped subscribing (alright, enough fun with commas)...

Is HM. Once upon a time Heaven's Metal, later repackaged as HM as they expanded their scope to include genres other than, say, these guys:


Anyway, HM covers a lot of very cool indie Christian bands who will by no means ever be heard on Klove. Not that I've got anything against Klove. I listen to it all the time.

It was through HM that I first heard of awesome bands like Scatterd Few, Savior Machine, and Stavesacre, just to name the ones that start with S.

HM does a semi-monthly podcast. They throw in all kinds of music including deathmetal/grindcore/itallsoundslikethesamecraptome that doesn't jive with my tastes necessarily, but there's also lots of rock/alt/goth/pop/whatever in there that does. Give a listen:

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