1. Al Gore. Who is the poster child for Man Made Global Warming? Who is the face (regrettably) of this allegedly single most important issue now facing mankind? Who is the one person whose words are held aloft as gospel, who is quoted as an irrefutable authority and who has received international adulation for "raising awareness" (one of the most obnoxious phrases ever coined) in the "war" against MMGW? One Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. Before "climate change" breathed new life into Mr. Gore's decidedly kaput career; before Post-2000 election fat-bearded-and-crazy Gore, back when he was simply the most smug, arrogant and entitled politician ever to set foot in Washington, Al had established an impressive and very public record of outright lies, disingeniousness and all-around duplicitousness. Gore is far more than just the man who "took the initiative in creating the internet." At the 1996 Democratic National Convention, Gore railed against tobacco, speaking emotionally of his sister, who died of lung cancer--while failing to mention that his family farmed tobacco, and continued to do so for seven years after her death, an enterprise from which he personally profited. During the 2000 election, Gore floated a ludicrous story that his mother-in-law and his dog took the same arthritis medication, but that the cost to the mommykins was 3x the cost to fido. He quickly changed his story in the face of massive ridicule. And of course, in the waning days of the Clinton Administration, as all of the details were emerging over the administration's dealings with fundraisers with ties to Chinese intelligence, we were reminded of the "I didn't know it was a fundraiser" fundraiser. I could go on. For a long time. Suffice it to say, Mr Gore had solidly established his reputation as a deeply dishonest and untrustworthy man long before your average joe had ever heard the words "global warming."
I don't care what your personal crusade is. Is this the kind of guy you would want championing it? Is the the kind of guy with whom you'd like to be associated? Is this the guy whose personal credibilty you would want inextricably linked to your own?
To be continued...
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