Thursday, December 18, 2008

Class Act

Samir Sumaida'ie, Iraqi Ambassador to the US, delivers a well met and classy respose to idiot code-pinkers requests to free the shoe thrower.

I've been ignoring the usual whorish suspects in the MSM and the left at large as they have postured to express their support Muntadhar al-Zeidi. To support such a man is a far greater self-inflicted insult than anything I could lob their way. But when someone distinguishes himself with such fine words, as Mr. Sumaida'ie has done, it is deserving of praise. Well done sir.

Oh, turns out that al-Zeidi has the hots for Mookie Al-Sadr. In other words, he's a terrorist supporter. Not just your run-of-the-mill Iraqi off the street, expressing a common sentiment. But the MSM props him up, as they prop up the fable that Iraqis universally believe that they were better off under Saddam and that George W. Bush has ruined their lives. Remember the good old days, when the Hussein boys would drag Iraqi women off to their rape chambers, or when Saddam would extract confessions from the alleged disloyal by torturing their children in front of the parents' eyes? Shame on you, Mr. Bush. Shame.

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