Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No Quid Pro Quo

I love how we're supposed to just accept the Obama administration's official report that there was no quid pro quo in the discussions between the PE's aides and Blago & Co. The media is heralding this report as if it's the final authority on the subject.

Maybe all Blagojevich needs to do is have his lawyer write a similar report and he can put all of this unpleasantness behind him. "Because after all, it's time for Illinois to move on. Time to heal. And it's time for the governor to get back to the business of the people of Illinois."

Look, I don't actually believe that the PE's administration was involved in anything illegal here. But you'll excuse me if I wait for the official version from the US Attorney's office.

Wait, this just in. Charles Manson has just issued an exhaustive report from prison that he says has completely exonerated him from any involvement in the Manson Family murders. We expect his release momentarily.

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